
Monday, May 24, 2004

Thanks for everyone's positive energy. What a nutty few days - that aren't over yet, by any means.

S will live, but will be out for a loooong time - he's already had one emergency surgery and has another tomorrow night to repair lung damage done. Apparantly someone abandoned a car at twilight in the middle lane of a busy highway, and S rammed into it going maybe 70 mph. I worked 41 hours from Wednesday to Friday, and was barely capable of thought by the time I left work Friday night. They did hire a part-timer to help, but for the time being, that means I'm doing my job, S's job, and training someone, too. On my way home Friday night, the boy driving the pizza delivery car in front of me fell asleep at a light. Seriously. I watched his head slowly drift down to his shoulder, doing that jerky "I'm awake" bobble we do when we're fighting to stay awake, had to honk to wake him up, and then drove past yelling "yeah, live my life!" at his car.

I was a reader in a wedding Saturday on the Eastern Shore, where I used to live in DE - about 2 hours from here. Thank goodness GB drove - though I can't sleep in the car, I wouldn't have been up for any life-saving decisions if anything went wrong. I so wanted to curl up and just sleep, but A was so beautiful, and T just adorable, and I truly adore them both so much. I was thrilled to be asked to read, and honored to be a part of it.... and slept like a rock Saturday night.

Managed to get a cat toy done and felted. The cats don't seem to care, but Oscar picked it up from where it was lying in the hall, carried it over to me, put it on the ground, and threw up on it. I suppose that means he doesn't like it either. Well, I've got half a ball of this yarn left, so they're just going to have to suck it up, right? Not everyone's mommy handknits and felts their toys. Think of all the fiber-starved pets in third world countries!

I also got a little bit more done on my cabled tank, and may have had a brief brainstorm about it's finishing, but we'll have to see how that goes.

And because I've only been able to sneak out of work for 10 minutes, I've not really had anything to eat that wasn't VERY salty - lots of deli sandwiches, hoping they'd be better than fast food. So while I don't think I gained actual weight, I couldn't put my wedding ring on this morning. Rather, I put it on, and by the time I'd reached for my engagement ring to go with it, my finger was red and puffy. So off it came (the ring, not the finger) and I'll drink up on the water today. oy.

Okay, way too much break has been taken now - back to work! (I love the quote below... There's a dancing star somewhere inside me!)

Thoughts for the Day:
Friedrich Nietzsche - “I tell you: one must have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star. I tell you: you still have chaos in you.”

Unknown - “ENTROPY: The degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity. • Order is created and controlled by intelligence. Entropy occurs in the physical world without control by intelligence. Synonyms: Chaos, Confusion, Entropy, Disarray, Disharmony, Disintegration, Disorder, Disorganization, Disruption, Incoherence, Incohesive, Jumble, Noncohesive, Nonintegration, Mess, Morass, Muddle, Slackness, Sloppiness.”

J. Rissanen - “Complexity is in the eye of the beholder.”


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