
Thursday, July 29, 2004

Laura (of the birthday necklace fame) sent me this.

(No relation.) Posted by Hello

It's turning out to be a lovely day, despite the fact that I swear the animals around here have been pairing up and heading for the boat docks lately. Today is supposed to be lovely and sunny, and Oscar gets to spend the day outside for the first time in many days. He's probably going through Cheeto withdrawl, since the neighborhood kids haven't been out playing and sneaking him food.

Looks like I'm going to be the "Vice President" of the Annapolis Knitting Guild, which is exciting. I'd be responsible for arranging the programs, and taking over in the event of the President's removal from office, or something like that. It should be fun, but I'm taking suggestions, so if there's anything you wish your knitting group would teach you, please pipe up and suggest it. You may not benefit directly, but giving me helpful ideas is good karma. I'm already leading the next meeting on spinning, and we're going to do wire jewelry at some point. The President is taking a class on Fair Isle, from which she promises to return with wealths of information. So we've got a few months worth of ideas, since we only meet the once a month. Should be fun, I hope.

And by the way, I have a suspicion that some of my loved ones are reading on the sly. Some of those loved ones are married to me, some used to threaten my teddy bear when we were wee ones, others are in Japan... please feel free to comment! There's a section below, and the tag board to the right, and you should know me well enough to know that I'm desparate for praise, so c'mon people, give it up!

And it's a busy day, so that's all the creativity you get. And most of it was Laura's picture, so I can't even take credit. Oh well. I'll attempt brilliance tomorrow.

Thoughts of the Day:

Steven Wright - “To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism — to steal from many is research.”

Mark Van Doren - “Bring ideas in and entertain them royally, for one of them may be the king.”


Blogger caramelknits said...

If it's sunny there, maybe the rain is on its way to me! dream...

Good luck as VP! The thing I have the most trouble with is trying to choose from all the different finishing techniches and then implementing them. Maybe you could do a session about finishing?

Love the kitty pic! I remember when my kittens used to walk on the tops of my hangers (before they got fat). It was just great watching them claw up my clothes and snag everything! :P

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Amie, it's Patti from Red Velvet Cake...thanks so much for your kind words. Yes, we were ultimately at peace with the decision. Perhaps another dog would have accepted the paralyzed leg and been comfortable spending the day and night on the floor, but not Sabrina. She was miserable, crying out in frustration. All night long, she struggled to stand up. So, it was easier than we thought it would be because we were so convnced it was the right thing to do. The veterinarian was just wonderful in how she handled it and my sister and I have been grieving pretty much since last Saturday, so it did not come as a total shock.

Thanks so much for your support, and of course I love that photo of your cat!


12:01 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I agree with Melissa--finishing techniques. I might even fly out to the east coast....

I don't think I have ever seen a cat sleeping on the hangers like that before--funny!

8:46 AM  

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