
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm still learning the ins and outs of the new camera, but the software is loaded (which was accomplished by me sitting on the couch playing with animals, and GB doing the work at the computer) and we (he) got things set up so that you can see some of the pictures I took while playing with the different features! I didn't get to all the features, and there are still plenty more things for me to play with, but in the meantime, I give to you a photographic essay of a boring Tuesday:

You know these sweet gentlemen...

This is the leopard-print, feathered and beaded pen that is on my desk. It is (oddly) the only pen in my office-of-which-I-am-the-only-woman that has never been stolen. I love it.

This is what I look at all day - piles of boring paperwork (that's the log that we use to verify that all the commercials have run at their appropriate time, sitting on top of CDs of PSAs for Tsunami Relief with Bush & Clinton) and audio files needed to be edited (that's a sixty second file of sound). It's all fairly mind numbing.

A little refresher is right next to that though - sitting on my computer speaker is the saxony wheel I bought at VA Fall Fiber Fest the weekend I won my novice spinning ribbon, the castle wheel that GB bought for me on one of his business trips without realizing it's actually a pencil sharpener, and the tiny ball of yarn, spun by Bess on her spindle out of fibers I carded at the 2003 KR Retreat.

This, as they say, is "where the magic happens. It's the computer that runs the station when we aren't there, and the volume controls for when we are there. Again, pretty boring.

Here you see AC's little corner of OCD glee. No fewer than fifteen post-it notes with messages like "New show coming in March, Alan will e-mail with more information" and "Wish List: phone extention in bathroom" and "I Robot out on DVD Tuesday". You can also see his bag of pretzels, on which he has written the date he opened the bag, and his "airname". He's not on the air, and doesn't introduce himself with this name, but he writes it on everything in site. The creamer in the fridge, his box of kleenex, all his food (with dates), his mousepad... On everything the station owns, he's written "station property" including the promotional mugs that stations give away at events, the coffee maker, and each and every copy of the stack of papers that sit in waiting rooms all around the city and are free.

And here's a last lingering glance at Monday's romance...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the new Camera!!!
Love the pics of the kids too!


6:35 PM  

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