
Monday, April 11, 2005

Can you say "no" to this face???

I received this letter today, and I must say I'm quite impressed with the typing and grammer of little Andrew Jordan (you remember him, he's going to be getting a little blue and yellow sweater soon...)
Letter from Drew

(which says:
First of all, please excuse this last minute letter, I should have written to you at least a month ago, but since I was only born two and a half weeks ago, I was a bit preoccupied. My mommy and daddy are also very busy taking care of me, therefore they don't have as much time as they usually do to try and raise money to help our cousin, Doug.

I just found out that my cousin Doug has Multiple Sclerosis. he has been living with the disease for almost eight years and he is doing his best to fight it. Right after he was diagnosed, he formed Team DJ to help raise money for the annual MS walk in Jamestown. Since it was formed in 1999, Team DJ has raised a lot of money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and has been recognized as one of the country's foremost teams. However, money is needed now more than ever. Recently a new drug was developed that virtually stopped Multiple Sclerosis from advancing a person's disability. Unfortunately, a few patients had terrible reactions to this drug and it needed to be pulled away from doctors' offices. It was a glimmer of hope that was taken away from Doug and 400,000 other Americans. Now more funding is needed to correct this medical flaw. But, the bright side is, if this drug could do what it was supposed to do, a cure for this disease is closer than ever!

This is obviously my first year participating in the walk, and though I will not physically be walking, I plan on being wheeled in my stroller for the entire 10-miles. I would greatly appreciate it if you were to sponsor me and my stroller in our first MS walk. Please send whatever donation you feel comfortable giving to me by April 30th so I will be ready to lace up my sneakers and polish my stroller wheels on May 1st.

Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot to me, my mommy and daddy, my cousin, and 2.5 million people worldwide suffering with Multiple Sclerosis.

Andrew Jordan

So here's what I'm thinking. If you want to donate to this very worthy cause, send me an e-mail (click on the flying envelope to the right). I'll work something out with the little guy's pop, and we'll get your money to the appropriate folks. I'm giving, my husband is giving, and we'd love for you to join us. Plus, now I've got a deadline - he'll need that sweater for such a long walk, don't you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he will definitely need a sweater! what a cutie and what a neat letter from his parents.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Andrew Jordan's mommy-- I just want to say thanks to all who have sponsored 'Drew' in his first MS walk-- we are very appreciative and it is such an important cause for us. Besides Doug, I have a cousin in Indiana that has MS, as well. Thanks so much for your generosity; it warms our hearts to say the least. Sincerely- Holly Williams
P.S. Hello Gavin (and Ken!)- thanks for your help! We miss you!!

8:23 PM  

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