
Monday, April 18, 2005

I spent most of the weekend asleep, which was nice, and I'd like to go back to sleep right now! But I did clean the kitchen, and I did do a little work on the heel of a Christmas Stocking. I actually reknit it about 4 times, rechecking to see if I was following the pattern properly. Near as I can figure, I am, but it's got me doing funky things for the heel turn (I'm k2tog or p2tog after the little hole, instead of around it to close it) so I may give up on the pattern for this section, and just do how I know.

I also decided I wanted to try the Strong Heel (a heel named after the designer, not a description of heel strength) but I'm not at that place in any of the socks going right now, so I had to start another pair. I asked GB which of the sock yarns I have he liked and only one came back a winner (never mind that I bought about four colors thinking they were guy colors on the internet. When they got home, they were significantly more feminine!) Of course the one he liked was one of my favorites, so I was a little disappointed, but I do like the guy, so fine, he could have that yarn. I even felt better about it, because after I started knitting it up it started looking more and more like camoflauge, and more masculine in general. I'm even resisting the urge to put any lace patterns in.

This sock is going leg down, so I can try that heel. We'll see later what the second sock will do. Here's a closer shot at the camo look.

We got more family members, and I thought of Vi the whole time.

Three different breeds of goldfish (the calico was particularly camera shy, and Ms. Orange kept getting in all the shots)...

A school of these tetra Barbs...

And more Ghost Catfish, which GB hopes will reproduce, because they're quite cool looking. The fish is see-through, but it's bones and organs aren't.

Plus there was another soccer game Saturday morning, and DSS got to play goalie!

Unfortunately (or fortunately) his team is really quite good, so most of his goalie time consisted of him alone at the end of the field, while his team scored in the other goal. He did have one really good save, the one time the other team came close.

It was very cold and windy watching the game, so most of us on the sidelines were bundled in winter coats. It was then that I noticed an eerie similarity....


Blogger Carolyn said...

Heehee, that last bit is really funny! Thanks for snapping the picture. And congrats to DSS on playing goalie.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the brand and color of the winning yarn? I had the same problem with what I thought of as manly yarn morphing into "pretty!". Good thing my man is okay with a purply color in his socks.

1:23 PM  
Blogger vi said...

I was tempted to BUY goldfish ALSO this weekend when we went to visit our new fish in quarentine!
they had red/whites and calicos.....
I wanted them all and was going to BEG Bernie to set up the BIG tank so I could have them
thank you so much for the pictures
thank you thank you
now I have to nag bernie for goldfish

2:11 PM  
Blogger Leslie Shelor said...

Tough to find guy stuff; congrats. Love the fish; I have one elegant betta reigning supreme in the sitting room.

7:07 PM  

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