Happy New Year! (Did I forget to say that earlier this week? Oops. Happy New Year again. There, now I'm good.)
I'm seeing a lot of mention of this being "the Year of the Sock". I'm not sure why that is, and it's not like I've seen it on Chinese restaurants placemats, but the word on the street is that this year is, in fact, the year of the sock.
And I had already made a rule with myself that I am not allowed to start anymore big* projects until I finish the ones I have hanging over my head right now (taking up my needles).
So I've been thinking about this "Year of the Sock" thing and have a proposition for you...
What if we officially name it TWO THOUSAND SOCKS (forget that silly 2006 thing) and aspire to knit TWO THOUSAND SOCKS this year? I don't mean each - gosh, that would use up my whole stash! No, I mean combined, all of us. I'm curious how many socks knit bloggers make in a year. Of course, I'm counting a pair of socks as two socks, so no worries about second sock syndrome. Doesn't matter if we keep them or give them away. We should only count the socks knit as of January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2006.
What do you think... are you with me? Everytime you finish a sock, or a pair of socks, however you want to do it, let me know - e-mail, comment, whatever. I'll update a ticker at the top, and we'll see how many chilly toes we're covering!

Let's make this year TWO THOUSAND SOCKS!!!!

* "big," as defined by me, is bigger than a pair of socks. This frees me up to start new projects that don't take a lot of time, thereby hopefully ensuring that I can play and frolic without guiilt.
Code for a button can be found in this link.
Baby booties count, single stockings count, victims of Second-Sock-Syndrome count... if it's a sock, it counts!
I don't care if the socks were started and forgotten sometime between 1900 and 2005, I only care if they get finished in 2006. So yes, count those pairs that were started before you knew about this!
I'm seeing a lot of mention of this being "the Year of the Sock". I'm not sure why that is, and it's not like I've seen it on Chinese restaurants placemats, but the word on the street is that this year is, in fact, the year of the sock.
And I had already made a rule with myself that I am not allowed to start anymore big* projects until I finish the ones I have hanging over my head right now (taking up my needles).
So I've been thinking about this "Year of the Sock" thing and have a proposition for you...
What if we officially name it TWO THOUSAND SOCKS (forget that silly 2006 thing) and aspire to knit TWO THOUSAND SOCKS this year? I don't mean each - gosh, that would use up my whole stash! No, I mean combined, all of us. I'm curious how many socks knit bloggers make in a year. Of course, I'm counting a pair of socks as two socks, so no worries about second sock syndrome. Doesn't matter if we keep them or give them away. We should only count the socks knit as of January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2006.
What do you think... are you with me? Everytime you finish a sock, or a pair of socks, however you want to do it, let me know - e-mail, comment, whatever. I'll update a ticker at the top, and we'll see how many chilly toes we're covering!

Let's make this year TWO THOUSAND SOCKS!!!!

* "big," as defined by me, is bigger than a pair of socks. This frees me up to start new projects that don't take a lot of time, thereby hopefully ensuring that I can play and frolic without guiilt.
Code for a button can be found in this link.
Baby booties count, single stockings count, victims of Second-Sock-Syndrome count... if it's a sock, it counts!
I don't care if the socks were started and forgotten sometime between 1900 and 2005, I only care if they get finished in 2006. So yes, count those pairs that were started before you knew about this!
I'm in, Amie! And every time someone finishes a pair of socks, does that mean an angel gets to have warm feet?
ok sweetie
I got a pair that is about done now...
I have two pairs I am thinking of...
one pair needs heels
and one pair I sort of misplaced when we packed the studio for the woodstove
guess that last one doesn't
I'm in. I won't be much help because socks take me forever. Sounds like fun.
I'm in! I just finished a pair ten minutes ago!
lemons of missouri
The people that are saying it's the year of the sock are wrong. Didn't they read my entry from Jan1 - it's the year of the SKULL!
Ok ok - I'll play. I'm usually good for 12-18 socks.
You're in luck - I just finished the first of Bigfoot's socks. If the second one takes less than a year, I'll be happy.
What a fun idea! Count me in. I love to knit socks. I think you can get to 2000 pairs of socks by July 4 with the KR group.
Oh, great idea! I need to remember to tell you, though I can't even make a wee dent in two thousand socks with my stash. Maybe I more sock yarn?
Okay, I'll play. I finished a pair two days ago, and am well into two other pairs, so I'll let you know! (Um, wait, does it count if I started them in 2005? If not, forget I said anything--all of these were started in December....)
Hey Amie - count me in - How could I possibly participate in the Sock Round Robin and not do this?!?! I've already done 2 socks (1 pair) and am working on some more.
You need to make a button so we can put it on our blogs!
Yup - anything counts as long as it's a sock (heck, I'm willing to count stockings!) and feel free to donate. I'm a firm believer in charity, but that's not what this is about... This is just for fun - if charity comes out of it, all the better!
But you're right Beth, I need to get started on a button!!!
I have finished one pair. If you want a speedy project, knit baby socks (yay to new cousins to knit for!)
I promise I'll have some adult socks to add later on...
I'm in! I've already finished a pair of Pomatomus' (on January 3rd) and have some Jaywalkers on the needles now.
Okay, I'm in. I'll have a pair finished in the next day or two, the NYCO pair.
Of course I'll let you know as I knit them - I always make at least 2 pair for the young darlings. Let you know as it happens.
And if I don't, remind me!
If it's about socks, I'm in! Just plopped the button up on my blog :)
How fun- count me in too.
OOO!!! Count me in! I'm not crazy about knitting socks but I have noticed that its what everyone requested from me as gifts for Christmas. I'm still 4 pairs behind and I should have those completed by the end of the month. I'll keep you posted!!
What a fun idea!
Here's two more, I finished the second of the year just last night.
And here I was thinking it was the year of the schlock. Oh well. Count me in!
Since I plan on making my year the year of sock count me in too.
Fun thanks for starting this!
One more sock to add to the list, Rose!
I cldn't your email - do you like "What Dreams May Come" too?
I love the storyline but dread watching it again .... well at least not without 2 boxes of tissues!
have never attempted socks but I may this year!
What if I donated a pair from my sock drawer?
Two socks. Yesterday. YEAH!
Count me in! Now, I think I can fit in grafting the toe on those Magic Stripes today! And I WILL do the other McGuinness Branch sock (aka CTH). Thanks, this will give me more incentive to finish all those OTN socks!
I completed the second of a pair last night as part of my "Mating Month" - making the mates to my two single socks and my single mitten that I started the year with.
I cast on for my very first sock on New Year's day - and I have finished the pair - that makes TWO socks for me.
Jane V.
That's a great idea! I just finished a sock so put me down for one!
I'm in. I've got my own little sweat shop going on in my living room. I made five pair in ten weeks at the end of 2005. Let's see if I can keep production up in 2006 - oops - I mean SOCKS! I will have a mismatched pair finished by the weekend. I'll let you know when it's done. Thanks!
I finished a pair a few days back that I'll post pictures of soon.
So add my first pair of 2006 to the pile!
I finished my first sock today :-) Add me to the ticker please
I'm in Sunshine!!!
I finished another sock last night - so add one more. I'm casting on for the mate now.
I'm in with 2 pair on the needles as we in Opal and one in Mountain Colors (my first toe ups). Love your blog too!
I'm totally in!
Count me in - 1 pair finished already. That's two socks to add to the total. Yay!
How cool! Put me down for 2 pairs so far, and many, many to go...
I'm so in! Currently I'm working on a pair of Jaywalkers for me that I'm aiming to finish before the end of the month (yeah, right)
Since the year began I've knit 5 and a half socks. I wonder if we can make it?
Count me in for a pair in January!
Count me in too! I finished my Jaywalkers on January 1, 2006.
I finished one sock today. Will be casting on for the second one soon!
I'm in and I've already finished a pair.
I would love to help out with this effort to have a year of 2000 socks! I love far this year I have one pair completed and am working on the second pair!
That's pretty funny because right at the beginning of the year, I posted about the Year of the Sock. I'm working on a pair right now. Count me in!
Hi, I just completed a pair of socks as a birthday gift. I'll keep you posted as I complete more. Got two pairs on the needles right now.
Great idea! Count me in, I got one sock done so far : )
I am so joining your two thousand socks campaign! & I'm going to begin with my unloved, columbine Wildefoote yarn.
I have three individual socks done today. This is great!
Okay so far I have knit a pair of Jaywalkers, and 2 singles one of the log cabin socks from Handknit Holidays and a wide wale rib sock... 4 total so far
Holey-moley! Everyone must have sox on the brain! The P's are doing this too ( Perhaps you can combine your forces. :)
I have one pair done for 2006! :)
Hi! Please count me in! I have just finished a pair of lichen-ribbed socks (like earlier this week, Monday I think) and am working on three separate pairs right now.
Don't forget to count mine done last week. :))
I have finished another pair (2 more socks) to add to the tally!
I'll do my very best. This will be interesting to see how it comes out. =0)
Put me down for two pairs done in 2006 so far. Thanks!
I just finished one pair. I plan to start another pair tomorrow, so I'll let you know when I'm done with those.
Toni Annette
I wanna' join! :) I've got two done for 06 so far. With another pair under way. I'm actually planning on making myself and my honey enough pairs so that we only have to wear handknit if we want to!
If it's not to late to join, I'd very much like to. I've popped the button on my blog. I have one on the needles right now and will be blowing and going. 2000-socks is going to ROCK!
-The Whimsy
if you're still taking people, count me in! :) i thoguht i commented before, but i dont see it here :)
take care,
Hey I'v just finished my 1st jaywalkers and I've already started another pair of socks...please count me in!
I just finished knitting two pair of baby booties (that counts for 4!). Count me in
Please count me in also!!
I've only knitted socks for 4 months, but have 8 pair done- it is way too addicting. I have 2 socks done since 1/1, so please count those. Just bought more yarn for 4 more pair today- count me in!!!
I *heart* sock knitting! Count me in too!
I finished another sock today. Yay!!!
Jebrem from KR
1 sock down... he he he. Cast on for the match.
Can I play too? Can I play and bring a pair - yes pair - that I finished already this year?
I'm in as well - I finished a pair of baby booties recently so I'm already two up!
OOOOH! I am so in! I've already finished 2 pair since the first of the year, with 2 more pairs on the needles. I love me some socks!
Add 1 more sock to the count!
Hey Amie! Count me in! I've got one finished pair of socks so far, by the way.
Just finished my first pair of the year, pix on the blog - this is fun!
I just finished a pair! And should have another pair done in a few days.
Finished my first pair for the year this weekend - a pair of Pomatomus for my mom.
I finished two socks over the weekend. Not a pair but two socks just the same.
I just finished a sock last night...a pair actually, but I don't remember when I fished the first one. So add one to the count! :)
Question for you Amie: My challenge for the 2006 Knitting Olympics is to knit 200 mini socks. will each sock count for you 2000 socks challenge?
I'd like to join as well.. I'm just learning to knit socks so I'd love to add to your count!
I finished another sock today, so add one for your count! I'm trying for another one done tomorrow.
I've finished a pair! My first ever. Go ahead and add them to your count.
Hi Amie! Count me in! I've finished a total of 4 socks in 2006 so far. I have another in progress, of course. At this rate, 2000 socks will be done with long before 2006 will be!!!
HI there i just finished 2 pairs of socks soooo add another 4 :)
I'd love to join in as regardless of what else I'm knitting I have to have a pair of socks on the go too. However don't have a blog so does this exclude me??
Hmmm...well, I might manage a pair -- although I have resolved to knit myself at least 3 pair this year to replace assembly-line sox that are wearing out rapidly...
Alas, I fall prey to Second Sock Syndrome really quickly. How does one build immunity to that?!
Add another one! (hoping NOT to get second sock syndrome on this one, but I'll add one by one, just in case!)
I just finished off the toes on a pair of 'two toed tube sox'. These are my constant purse project socks. Knit a pair of tubes on a provisional cast on. Add ribbing on top, toes on the bottom and a 'snip and unravel' EZ afterthought heel based on whatever toe you used.
So count me in with 2 for the ticker.
I've finished 2 baby booties, and one "regular sock", for a total of 3 individual socks.
I have completed 4 pairs
[8 socks]
Just finished another pair!
Oh please, may I play Socks, too? I have 3 finished right now and lots more to come. I LOVE socks! What fun!
Add one more completed! But I'm getting SSS, and have started a swatch for something else instead of casting on for sock #2...uh-oh.
Hi! I've already knit one pair of socks this year. I'm going to knit at least two more pairs in the next few months. Would like to add them to your count. =)
I've knit a felted wine sock (1) and am half way towards my first pair, let you know when I'm done with he pair.
Just finished another pair. One more for the list!
I'm in! Got a pair on the needles now and another on the way. Gonna try the two-circ method with the next pair. I'll keep you posted so you can add finished socks to your count!
Another pair for me done and posted about today.
Can I join in? I've one sock half way done, then a bunch more planned....
Do you have to join to have your socks added to the tally?
So far this year I have completed 2 pair of socks and a pair of booties. That would add 6 more socks to the tally.
I wanted to add another pair to the tally!
I finished a pair on Sunday - put me down for two!
There are more in the works...
Count me in for 2 so far. Regia self-stripers, done 2 at a time on 2 circs!! No second sock syndrome for me!!
I finished a pair of Crusoe from Knitty on January 2!
I finished a pair on 16 January (standard sock pattern, lovely patterned yarn!).
One pair of baby booties finished 1/24/06 one pair of socks finished today. count 'em up!! Let's hear it for magic stripe!
There's also a book out by Interweave press on Vintage Socks. I just found it yesterday, no telling how long it's actually been out. Tiny thread, tiny needles, magical socks. . .
I've already finished four socks in 2006 ( 1 pair left half done from last year - 1 pair started in the new year!)
I'm so excited!
I have completed 3 pair since January 1, 2006. I think. It might be four...yes, four if you're including bootees. You maybe should make it 2000 pair a month...
Hey, this is fun! I've done 2 1/2 pair = 5 socks to date. Patons pattern, Fleece Artist merino. Melissa's right, maybe you should raise the stakes!
I have completed my "Standing in the Shadow of Love" socks, for the Six Sox knitalong group on yahoo. Come join us! The new pattern will be up on Feb. 1!
I'm in too. Just finished one pair of socks last night!
Does it count if they have to get frogged? I mean, I finished a sock, but... it doesn't fit. And I love the yarn, so I'm going to have to frog it. And then I'll re-knit it into a different sock. So I don't know if that counts or not, but if it does, then I've got one. Otherwise, well... I've got like four more on the needles now, so I'll let you know when I get them done.
This is such a cool idea!
I finished a pair two days ago!!
(first ever!)
I've already finished 2 pairs this year, so add 4 socks to your count!
Elizabeth H.
I finished a pair and mailed them off to my SIL.
I've got three done so far.
I've got 1 done and should finish the second tonight but will post about that separately. :)
I just finished, a pair of period Elizabethen stockings from the 14th century. If your curious about them you can find them here...
I've just finished one and the second is just past the heel, top down. So count me in for one :) I'll post back when I have the other done.
Count me in too. I've finished two pairs since January 1st and I've got a pair on the needles right now. I'll let you know when they're done!
I've finished one sock, about 1/2 way through the second. ((and as a side note they are my first pair of socks ever! I just started knitting over the summer)
Oooooh yay, exciting!
If you get Alison's Sockapalooza on board, that's a whole bunch of socks right there!!!
I'm totally in.
Hi Amy, I am in and proudly report 7 finished socks so far for January.
hi amy, whata great time to be doing this 2000 sock thing!!! my 2006 resolution was to pair up all the single/ 1/2 finished socks i have. i've paired or finished off 5 socks. jackiev
I knit my first pair of socks this year and have begun the second pair! I think I am addicted!
Okay, I can help out! I just finished a pair a week ago and I've got three more pairs in the works. far in 2006 I've knit 10 socks...4 adult human socks and 6 miniature socks (if those count LOL)
Hi there!
I just finished my second pair of socks in 2006 for a total of 4 socks. Count me in!
Oh! Oh! Me, too, please!
I'm wearing a pair that I just finished. And I finished another pair about 2 weeks ago.
That's 4 more. 8-)
Found your blog through the Yarn Harlot and I love the 2000 and Socks thing. And I can contribute, as I have made two pairs of socks so far this for me and one for my daughter. (I got the Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles book for Christmas and somehow I suddenly also have something like 20 skeins of sock yarn that weren't in my house before Christmas. I don't know quite how that happened -- it's all a feverish haze.)
So anyway, four more socks!
Add two more to the count - I finished a pair of toe-up socks on Wednesday! (Found you through Yarn Harlot...)
I've recently finished three more socks (i.e. one pair and half of the next pair.) Thanks!
Finished the second sock last night and remembered that my first project of the year was a pair of new socks for myself! (There was a desperate need for greedy-me-knitting once the holidays ended.) So, please add 3 more to your total.
Now I think I'm done with socks for a few months. :p
Okay, I've decided that I want to play along. I've already knit two pairs of socks this year! Add them to the ticker!
I finished some socks a week ago! Add it to the ticker (you're totally going to reach this goal by June)
Add another pair in! Just finished them today and cast on for more (hopefully to be completed in time for the Knitting Olympics)...
You can add 2 more socks to the total. I finished the Country Socks from Folk Socks.
Two more socks done; I finished my Jaywalkers!
I just finished knitting my first ever pair of socks--a birthday present for my partner. When I successfully turned that first heel, I felt like I was a magician!
Was reading the Harlot and stumbled onto your blog. I think it is the year of the sock for me--I've knit 3 pair in the last two weeks and have several more on deck. I have become suddenly fascinated with all the different ways to make a sock--cuff down, toe up, 2 at once, afterthought heel...I plan to try them all! I'll keep you updated as I finish. You'll hit 2000, easy.
I've just finished another pair of socks so that's another 2 socks for the tally.
You can add another two for me. Finished them this weekend. On the blog tomorrow.
Another pair for the count!
Rumba Socks
Amanda :)
I just finished a pair of Log Cabin socks, so add 2 more to your total.
It's starting to look a lot like we'll be able to say 2000 pairs!
We're past 500 and it's only January!!!
I knit my very first sock. So, one for me.
Greetings! I just finished a pair of socks tonight! So that's two more to the ticker!
The Bad News:
I was just laid up with a severe head cold/flu for the last 6 days.
The Good News:
I heard about this challenge before I got sick, and decided sock-knitting was going to help in my recovery.
I finished two pair (4 socks!) while subsisting on NyQuil and DayQuil. Woo-Hoo!
I have finished 3 socks!
I'm all in! I finished 7 pairs of socks in January and my 8th pair for this year will be finished in roughly 15 mins!
Just washed and flat blocked the toe up raspberry house socks that I did to learn the wrapped short row heel. So mark me down for another pair this year.
Please count me in for adding to your goal. I just finished a pair of baby socks. Come see them at
another pair from me! Geez! At the rate we're going, I wouldn't be surprised if we reach EIGHT thousand socks by the end of the year!
Ohh! Ooh! Count me in. I am on the second sock of my 5th pair this year. You can see proof at
A pair of Trekking XXL leaf lace socks completed.
That's another 2 socks to be added to the tally.
Add one more sock! And it's fraternal twin will be done soon.
Finished another pair yesterday!
Just finished my first pair of socks! At least one more to come this year. At least....
ok, I'm in, I have three done so far this year and a few still on needles so count my three and I will update as I finish the others!
One done by me and one by my former MIL.
My first pair of the year was finished 2/5/2006 -- "Cape Cod" socks! I'm working on pair #2 now.
And the hefty Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride green house socks were finished last night. And gleefully warm toes were had all night in bed.
So that makes three pairs so far this year.
I forgot to tell you, last week I finished a red sock. That finished a pair I had started a year ago, yay for me! I wish I could report that the needles I took the sock off of are now empty, but I fear that is not the case. ;)
You can add another sock! I just finished my 4th pair of socks since January. I think we are going to go well beyond 2000!
Add another pair to the total -- and I'll get busy on the next pair right now!
You can add three more pairs for me!
Add 1 sock for me. It's mate was finished just after Christmas last year, but at least this one counts! Have 2 more on the needles & 8 or 9 in my head!
Two more to add - One from me and one from my former MIL. Lisa Heiserman
I have a fraternal pair I finished a week or two ago and there are several more pairs in the works. I have also been dyeing sock yarn (I am up to eight colorways now) with natural dyes including indigo. I love the magic of indigo, so much fun!
One more finished last night. Lisa Heiserman
I couldn't resist the challenge. I knitted 2 socks. They are easier than I thought! -LL
Another pair for the count, I think we will make 2000 socks this year!
Square Dance Socks
I said above that I'd finished a sock but was going to have to frog it. Well, I changed my mind and decided not to frog it, instead I just completed its mate, so that's one more sock for the tally!
I have two more socks to report.
Count another one from me, hopefully a partner for it soon.
Add another pair of Broadripples on my behalf!
Two more. Lisa Heiserman
I've finished 4 pairs since January 1 (that's 8 total, if my high school math serves me). -A.J.
I have knit 2 more socks even though they're not a pair.
Second sockitis has hit again and I've started another pair of socks.
I've completed three socks.
2 socks done! My Olympic project, hooray!
Put me down for another pair! Meelenweit Mega Boots Stretch yarn, Ann Norling pattern.
Two more pair for me - one large pair of black socks for an adult and one teeny tiny pair of orange stripey socks for my 11 month old daughter.
Ifinished 2 pair of prem baby textured socks yesterday.
That's another 4 socks for the tally.
One more - Lisa Heiserman
Hi, add 1 pair of striped socks for my Mom's birthday and 1 single sock for my friend's Niece-to-be.
One More - The pair for my Stepmom is done. Lisa Heiserman
I'd like to add two more pairs that I've done:
Jaywalker 4
Easy Socks
I'm one down on my Child's First Socks, and by tomorrow I should be done with the second one.
I completed 3 whole pairs so far this year.
I have one pair of fortissima socka fair isles to contribute. And at least 2 more to come.
I have at least 3 pairs OTN right now and will report in later.
Hi! I've knitted 2 single socks and a pair of booties so far this year. More to come soon... I'm re-addicted to sock knitting!
I finished the blue Regia banner socks, so that's another pair from me.
We are SO going to kick that counter off the chart WELL before Dec. Will you keep counting even after we max it?
I'm pleased to report that I have finished two more socks (one pair).
I have knit the second sock to a pair and also knit a pair of child's socks.
That's 3 more for the tally.
I don't have a blog, can I play? I have knit 3 pairs of socks so far this year, plus one single sock. Guess that makes 7!
I keep meaning to add my socks to the list and join the fun! So here goes.
1 pair of purple slipper socks using Jaeger Matchmaker superwash merino
1 pair of light blue slipper socks (same yarn as above)
1 pair of ultimate refootable socks (Socks, Socks, Socks) Austermann Peru
1 SOCK.. Socks That Rock
1 Sock baby sock esprit cotton w/elastic
Total of 8 socks. They can be seen in my gallery.
OOps, sorry. I forgot to add my name. The 8 socks above is from Mama Bear
I have finished yet another pair of childs socks.
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