
Friday, March 17, 2006


You know what they say about the third time, right?

Remember this?

And this?

I kept putting off finishing up this baby sweater because I had all the time in the world. But damned if somehow it didn't get to be March 17 when I wasn't looking. Baby is now a year old. And while I'm sure his parents have clothed him in lesser garments up til now, I have certainly been remiss in my duties as a knitter who loves him.

So I busted ass this week, knitting like the wind, and did both sleeves and this:

which is half of the body. (it's knit sideways, so you're looking at the right front of the sweater, the right armhole, and half of the back.) The other half will get done at work tomorrow, and I should be able to seam it up tomorrow night.

Then it will look vaguely like this, only better

I did some work on the body today, during a class, and after I was more than three inches up I noticed a problem. I had knit a seed stitch border all the way around the edging, but it occurred to me that I didn't want that border along the shoulder seam - I wanted that to be the same stocking stitch as the rest of the sweater. Which meant I could either rip back three inches of knitting (seventy stitches wide times eighteen rows is one-thousand-twelve-hundred-sixty stitches) and redo them, or I could fix the seven stitch border for the three inches (one-hundred-twenty-six stitches).

Which would you pick?

Yeah, me too.

I dropped the 126 stitches and reknit them, and now that section looks glaringly sloppy to me, but it's better than even money that blocking will fix it.

Thankfully I had the tiniest bit of experience in dealing with my procrastination habits foresight and chose to knit the pattern for the 18-month sizing, instead of the 12-month. Sure, baby is just turning one today, but I figured it would be better to risk having it a little big right now, but have it be wearable in the fall when it starts getting cold again, rather than have it only fit for the next thirty-seven minutes.

So hopefully tomorrow night we'll have some pictures of a charming (and finished) baby sweater!


Blogger Coleen said...

I'm starting to think all your yarn magically never ends... the never ending sock, the never ending sweater.... :)

And I would like to thank you for your Oh-so kind offer to take the lime fire off my hands, but I think I'm going to be a brave little knitter and keep it!

(Have I mentioned - I LOVE IT!)

See you Monday!

11:25 PM  
Blogger KT said...

Wow, my internet connection really does not want me leaving a comment for you tonight! Geez!

The sweater is too cute! What a lucky baby/toddler/whatever you call a one year old besides "I think it's time to go back to Mommy and Daddy now!"! Can't wait to see finished pics!

My Jaywalkers are being done in KnitPicks' Dancing in the Jig colourway. I have really liked the yarn so far, but have heard complaints that it doesn't wear well. I guess I'll just have to force myself to finish the socks and wear them to see if that's true or not. The sacrifices we make...

4:16 AM  
Blogger eve knits said...

The never ending baby sweater looks great! I can't wait to see the F/O. I have another pair of socks finished. Details on my blog. Oh, and I also have a single sock finished that I have yet to take a picture of.

Happy knitting!


7:31 PM  

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