It's thundering outside, do you know where your pitbull is?
Mine is shaking in my lap.
Do you know where your Norwegian Forest cat is?
Mine is sitting on the back of the couch laughing at the silly dog.
Do you know where your brand new "sister" is?
My parents got a new puppy! This is Jackie, a rescue pup 8 weeks or younger. She's (as you can see) extremely thin, but (as you can also see) extremely cute.
I went to play with Jackie today, and as I was there she started getting sick, unable to hold down food or water. Finally my parents took her to an emergency vet. It was looking a lot like Parvo (which, if you haven't, please vaccinate your dogs against now - Oscar has an appointment to go in next week) which is deadly and horribly, horribly contageous. But Jackie has been tested, and it's not that (thank goodness) but is either a reaction to the worming meds she had at the shelter, which should resolve itself shortly, or a more serious intestinal issue, which might resolve itself, or might require surgery (causing my parents to be greatly relieved they opted for the pet insurance).
So the babe is in the hospital tonight, and we'll likely know more in the morning.
If you believe God cares about animals (I very much do) a prayer for little Jackie might be nice, if you're so inclined.
Oh, and an update on the daffs - I did some reading and discovered one source that says that some pink daffodils start out sort of apricot in color, and gradually become more pink. So there's hope that it was an adoption (not a hostage situation) after all.
Do you know where your Norwegian Forest cat is?
Mine is sitting on the back of the couch laughing at the silly dog.
Do you know where your brand new "sister" is?
My parents got a new puppy! This is Jackie, a rescue pup 8 weeks or younger. She's (as you can see) extremely thin, but (as you can also see) extremely cute.
I went to play with Jackie today, and as I was there she started getting sick, unable to hold down food or water. Finally my parents took her to an emergency vet. It was looking a lot like Parvo (which, if you haven't, please vaccinate your dogs against now - Oscar has an appointment to go in next week) which is deadly and horribly, horribly contageous. But Jackie has been tested, and it's not that (thank goodness) but is either a reaction to the worming meds she had at the shelter, which should resolve itself shortly, or a more serious intestinal issue, which might resolve itself, or might require surgery (causing my parents to be greatly relieved they opted for the pet insurance).
So the babe is in the hospital tonight, and we'll likely know more in the morning.
If you believe God cares about animals (I very much do) a prayer for little Jackie might be nice, if you're so inclined.
Oh, and an update on the daffs - I did some reading and discovered one source that says that some pink daffodils start out sort of apricot in color, and gradually become more pink. So there's hope that it was an adoption (not a hostage situation) after all.
You're so lucky to have such a cute little sister like that. I hope she feels better really soon. She's lucky to have a mom and dad who will take care of her.
What a cutey! What a relief it's not Parvo. That's some nasty stuff. Keep us posted!
Prayers are being said! She is a little love.
Poor little Jackie. I'm glad it's not Parvo though. I hope she feels better soon she's super cute.
Another note about the daffodils. If you have any white ones near there, remove them - they will assimilate and take over the pinks in a couple of years. The donimate strain will try to rule.
What a little sweetie! Hope she's home soon!
I used to have to tranquilize my dog on July 4th, and thunderstorms were almost as hard on her!
She's in my thoughts! I had a dog (puppy) that survived parvo, it is possible :)
Oh, what a sweet little pup. I'll definitely send some positive thougths little Jackie's way.
Glad that Jackie is in good hands...
God made the animals and loves them so so much.
Blesings lil' Jackie and may God be with your parents, Sister and doctors too!
Big Hugs and Kisses from Cousins Nancy, Emma and Gracie
Poor Jackie, I hope she's feeling better soon. She's a cutie!
George & Chloe are sending their animal prayers too.
Good to hear about your daffs. I don't have any room for flowers, so I'm living my gardening dreams through all of the bloggers. Thanks for posting them. :)
Aww, she's adorable! I hope she gets well soon and has a long and happy life!
She's so cute. I will keep her in my prayers.
Cute puppy!!
(PS Finished a pair of socks on Saturday.)
How's Jackie today?
N, E & G in PA
Isn't it amazing how different animals react differently to storms.
Aww, my thoughts are with the pup, we hope he does much better soon.
Precious girl, I hope she's better soon.
As for thunder storms my one boy (featured on my blog) crawls under my bed, not that he fits! He won't come out until it's completely OVER.
so how's the puppy? You know we won't stop asking until you tell us!
And I love the pic of Oscar, btw. Such a mean, ferocious dog!
Just checking in with 2 socks for the count.
Hope the puppy feels better.
Have a nice Easter.
Oh darling! What a bundle of love waiting to happen. Good luck with good health for the wee one.
BD came home from the dump the other day full of talk about some little hang dog strays - I held firm, only because I was too tired to melt.
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