
Friday, April 07, 2006

Mountain, Meet Mohammed, and the (Garden) Plot Thickens

When I left to teach this morning, I noticed that at least one bud on each of my daffodil plants has now bloomed. When I bought the bulbs last fall, I bought a pack of fancy daffodils. Three bulbs each of a yellow and orange, a frilly white and peach, and a pink and white. I was particularly looking forward to the pink and white, because I've never seen them before. So today I took a look at all my pretty blooms.

Do you see any pink? I don't.

So apparently I was mistaken about the adoption of the jonquils, and we're looking at a hostage situation, in which my pink daffodils were taken in exchange for the little yellow jonquils. Does anyone have any experience in daffodil hostage negotiation? I really wanted pink daffodils!!!

To be honest, the situation could have escalated at any time in the past week, as I've been a bit distracted. I haven't seen my husband in nearly a month, and only for a few days then, because of his wildly insane and abusive work requirements. Well, it turns out that he's busy at work about 100 miles from here this week, which is too far for a commute on top of a ten hour work day, but is not too far for a two day visit when you're only slightly employed. Mohammed couldn't get to the mountain, the mountain had to go to Mohammed. So I drove down to see him Tuesday, and spent Wednesday in the hotel room getting some much needed sleep (I tend to sleep a bit like a rock when I'm not home, since we live too close to train tracks here) and taking a little time to knit something just for me.

It's my New Beginnings Project from the Knitters Review Retreat last fall. The requirements were I think just that it be something for us, and this is one of the very few sweaters that I love everything about (Alice Starmore's Durrow from Celtic Collection). Almost every pattern I see I think I would change something about - the sleeves, the neckline, something. Not this one. And even though I didn't do the colors that it was designed for, I would if I could find them! These colors aren't quite right in the photo - I had to do some adjusting to get the cable to show up, they aren't quite so day-glo in real life. I'm using the sadly discontinued but really lovely Rowan Shetland Aran, which is an alpaca/wool blend, and the colored yarn is actually AC Moore's cashmere yarn, because it matched the gauge so well for me.

I had just finished the ribbing section along the bottom there, so did the cable and color work Wednesday. It was lots of fun to get to the point that the cable and color looked intentional and like something rather than those messy beginning periods where you can't really tell what's going on. I found myself stopping almost everyother row to giggle and fawn over the beauty. The yarn is fantastic, the pattern is fun, and I'm very much looking forward to getting it done... which is going to have to wait. I have a few things that involve income that have minor deadlines to them, so they have to come first... but Durrow will be waiting in the wings, ready to fly...


Blogger Kelly said...

the sweater looks like spring :)

2:18 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Oh - I am LOVING that sweater. It's gonna be a beauty.

2:20 PM  
Blogger KT said...

The colours look very fun! I can't wait to see the finished sweater!

Perhaps you need a licensed botany negotiator to get your pink daffodils back? Or perhaps they're just lazy and haven't woken up for spring....

2:37 PM  
Blogger Coleen said...

love the sweater! can't wait to see the finished project.

Pink daffodils... never heard of 'em. Must google!

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the sweater. I'm even more impressed with the growing. My thumb is so very brown. I have two plants that are exactly the same and are being raised in exactly the same way and one is nearly dead while the other is thriving, I just don't get it.


3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sweater looks like it will be beautiful. I can't wait to see it whens it's all finished.

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually your third photo sort of looks like what we call "pink" here although I always thought it looked more peach... maybe pink is a hard mutation to get to work? I don't know. Sweater looks interesting... will look forward to seeing it progress!


7:46 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

I love those bursts of color. My yard is getting weedy, it's going to be 90 this weekend and we're on water restrictions so I'm hoping things survive.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Marfa's Mewsings said...

I like the all colors in all the photos - the A. S. sweater & the flowers.
So glad you were able to have some time w/your DH!

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You jogged a memory of the differences with those bulbs - weren't some of them "early", some "midseason", and some "late"? Maybe there is no plot (political, not garden) and the pink ones will be stlyishly late!

7:52 AM  
Blogger Shelia said...

Great sweater, and you've already done quite a bit, especially with all of the things going on - cables and colorwork!

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks great! I haven't seen many pattern that include both cables and color work. Enjoy. Linda

12:41 PM  

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