
Friday, June 23, 2006

"Our Dog is Stuck"

This morning I was sitting quietly knitting on my deadline knitting (see? proof that I am doing something other than daydreaming about the cruise:)
when suddenly, all hell broke loose.

The neighbors' dogs are all much chattier than Oscar, so I'm used to hearing them barking at each other, but suddenly there was Trouble (Oscar's best friend, the 100 pound not-all-that-open-to-strangers German Shephard next door) and his roommate (the 10 pound toy poodle, aka afro that barks, one of two dogs that have bitten* my pitbull - the other being a cocker spaniel) both in hysterics, and an additional barking that didn't sound familiar.

I looked out the window and could see one of the feral children (that very little boy, as a matter of fact) standing just off of Trouble's property, looking... well, rather pensive.

I ran to put pants on so as to avoid any unneccessary trauma, and by the time I got outside, a whole herd of feral children had gathered, but the hysterical barking hadn't stopped. When they saw that I'd come outside, the alpha feral child said "Our dog is stuck."


It seems they have a "little" German Shephard puppy. (little is relative, she's nearly Oscar's size, but Trouble is a solid big boy) The puppy had gotten off leash or collar and wandered into Trouble's yard. She was smart enough to stay out of the reach of Trouble's rope, but not smart enough to just turn around and leave. She was in a panic, bouncing around and barking frantically, but unable to bring herself to just leave the other dog's territory. So the Afro-that-barks was on the deck yelling, Trouble-the-beast was on his rope barking, and this poor puppy was just barely staying attached to the planet. Apparently, she knew she was in trouble (with a little t), and she also knew she wanted to meet Trouble (with a big T) and she knew the feral children wouldn't be able to keep her safe.

I rounded the corner, she saw me, and launched herself full force for my lap (which was still upright and not actually in lap format). I managed to shuffle the puppy out of Trouble's territory, told the kids not to let her near him because he might hurt her "not meaning to" (I hope) and everyone shuffled off on their merry feral way.

Where was my dog while all this was happening?

Well, it's just barely ten a.m. yet, and Oscar is a not a morning dog... he's still asleep.

(lifesize photo of the Afro-that-barks. Trouble did not want his photo taken, and while he likes me, I'm not sure he likes me enough for me to push things)

* incidentally, I am thoroughly unhappy with the past tense of "to bite". It just sounds wrong no matter how I word it. Bit? Bitten? blech.


Blogger Hannah said...

You tell stories so well!

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets just say bited and leave it at that, ok? It works well for the 2-5 yr. old set, why not the over 20's?

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love "bitten". It's so crisp, sharp-edged, autumnal. But I'm glad no one was so inflicted in this story.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Shell said...

"she saw me, and launched herself full force for my lap (which was still upright and not actually in lap format)" *Snort*

I'm not a fan of feral children. Though I'm very glad that everyone got out ok.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I prefer to say "be-hot." The furry little footstool didn't want to get bee-hot by the bigger dog. Past tense, "He'd been be-hotten five years prior." Give me time to figure out the future subjunctive conditional on that one...

10:23 PM  
Blogger KT said...

I think "bit" is along the same lines as "knit" or "fit". The past tenses of all of them sound weird to me.

12:05 AM  
Blogger Diane said...

So glad we live out in the semi-country (too far for feral children to be bothered)!

Oscar sleeping in reminds me of our Gypsy. She like to sleep in also; when she was a puppy, we had to wake her up to take her out in the morning. This drove my Mom nuts when we told her as my Daddy's dog was an early-bird (like 5 am, if they were lucky).

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((We love Oscar and his adventures!))))))))))))))))

Emma, Gracie & our mom

(Mom's romance crashed and burned . . .)
(We're glad cuz now she pays more attention to us!)

9:37 AM  
Blogger Yvonne said...

Hi Amie - Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll be by to visit yours regularly, too. In the midst of our dog's home, a kitty has just moved in. Talk about Trouble! That should have been his name. He's ever so busy & loves all my fiber & yarn.

1:37 PM  

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