
Saturday, June 10, 2006


After a very fun evening Friday watching my brother play a lecherous drunk (he was the best one), I got home Friday night Saturday morning around 1:30 am. WAY past my bedtime. I had plans to meet Coleen, and Eunny at 9 am at Panera for coffee before we got on the road to head to The Mannings Spinning Day which means I spent the night waking up every few minutes in fear that I would over sleep, which also meant the cats thought I'd finally had the good sense to turn nocturnal like them, and I was up to play, and I'm the coolest trampoline mommy ever. Ahem.

After small doses of caffeine, we hopped in Coleen's car and headed out. Somewhere up the road it was discovered that Coleen had stashed Erin and Cheryl in the trunk, and I'd like to firmly deny that this didn't come up because I asked a truly stupid question... but I can't. Yes, we were an hour up the road before I asked if they were coming separately. No, I didn't see them in the car. Yes, I should have been able to deduce...

In my defense, Coleen is quite spunky, and I bet if she'd wanted she could have bound and gagged those two with no guilt at all.

Once we got there, we knew we were home. It was a gorgeous location, with dozens of like-minded folk. There were people and wheels of all kinds spread out on the lawn enjoying the gorgeous weather.

There were demonstrations of how to prep and spin linen, spinning a great wheel, and how to waulk wool, including singing the waulking song (Coleen waulked and sang, I found myself answering spinning wheel questions for my friends, and for the total strangers who assumed by the way I was bossing everyone around that I worked there).

We also all got to try lots of wheels, and in fact two love connections were made. I was very good, and didn't buy another wheel, but did find the first Schacht I've ever really liked. It was a Schacht Reeves beautiful cherry saxony. I don't dislike the Schacht Matchless, but am fairly uninspired by it. The Schacht Reeves, though.... very lovely.

There were a few animals too, including this beautiful young llama gal, and her friends the jacob sheep. All of whom were fairly camera shy, but had a pretty nutty stressful day what with all those weird people coming up and trying to take their pictures. The llama assured me I was not among them when I finally convinced her to take some alfalfa from me.

All in all, the day was a total blast, with lots of fun, more laughs than should be allowed, and some really terrific friends.

Plus, anything that makes Eunny pull a Home Alone face in glee is worth the trip...

Thanks, girls. I'm crazy about all of you.


Blogger laura said...

Thanks for the pics, I am so glad you all had a great time!! :)

11:05 AM  
Blogger Joan said...

I sure wish I could have been at The Mannings, my LYS and former employer. Unfortunately I'm stil house bound but I would have loved to meet you. I can see that you had a great time. Sigh.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Bess said...

Wow! What a day! I am soooo ... soooo going to do that sometime!


I'm glad you were there and thank you for the pictures.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Oliver! A fun show to be in, I recall. And I blame your question in the car on sleeplessness and lack of caffeine. That's my story, anyway!

7:12 PM  
Blogger Coleen said...

Thanks for a great day! We must do it again soon. And I'll try hard not to stuff anyone (except maybe that llama...) in the trunk!

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time!!!
What fun!
I am surprised you didn't bring one of those spotted critters home LOL

(I love Eunny's web page! Well done!)

Love you Aunt Amie!
Emma & Gracie
(and our mom)

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I can speak for the girls... we are nuts about you too.... or maybe just nuts????

8:28 AM  
Blogger KT said...

Sounds like a very fun day!!

1:29 PM  
Blogger Hannah said...

Oooh, I wish I could have been there!

2:09 PM  

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