
Monday, November 27, 2006

Quick like bunnies!

Long story short, the computer died (rather, the power cord died, for the FOURTH time in fifteen months of owning this rather expensive paperweight * and while I'm waiting for Apple to ship me a new one, I'm only able to go online briefly while at my parents. However, I am done my Christmas shopping, so why are you slacking off reading blogs?)

In any event, you might remember this:


Or more recently this:

All of those now look like:

This is an unblocked shot of it, with ends obviously needing to be woven in, but it is done; two weeks and one day after starting it, not working on it anywhere close to every day. I'm tickled pink. Or purple. Whichever.

Those of you who knit the first stitches on it at the retreat remember me saying I hoped for a short sleeved sweater, but wasn't sure I had enough yarn, so was thinking of making it a vest if needed. That little tiny ball of yarn by the neck is all that I have left, but obviously it was enough. I did the sleeves as short, then took at look at the yarn I had left and ripped back and headed for long. The neckline is even much higher than I expected (I was thinking it might have to be borderline risque!) I'll use some of that left-over stuff to reinforce the armhole joins, since the yarn is so unbelievably elastic (it's almost like Cascade Fixation!) that the three needle bind off I did was really tricky.

But pretty, yes?

Anyway, I've finished that, the Starmore Durrow you saw in early November will be finished to wear at Christmas (cough. A gal can have goals, right?) and then comes my newly decided New Year's Resolution. Yes, I realize there's a month left. Who knows when that power cord will get to me, this may be my last chance for any valient proclamations.

See, we had Two-Thousand-Socks, and I was thinking I really like the idea of a theme. So I was thinking how nice it would be if I had some sweaters of my very own - a great lot of my knitting this year was for others. And what with the year ending in seven, and seven being a little bit more than a sweater every two months (which I've already unfortunately proven I can do without too much difficulty) I think 2007 will be 2007th Heaven for me.

So in the year of 2007, I will knit seven sweaters for myself. Some are patterns I've wanted to do for a while, most are designs that have been ruminating around in my mind, but all will be for me. And all will be knit from my current stash (sad to say in a shallow stash dive yesterday I discovered yarn for nine sweaters and then some. Needless to say, I'm also swearing off any purchases that don't involve gifts or work needs.) As soon as Durrow is done, I can begin, but not until then. And my first project will be a gorgeous cashmere beauty, because I believe in starting things off with a bang.

Hope to be back online soon (with pictures of the finished sweater, and maybe a finished Durrow, too, but until then, Knit On!

* don't worry, Catherine, the problem is one that has since been completely revamped since about thirty-four seconds after I bought my computer, which is why I can no longer get the powercord at any store near me, if I was compelled to pay the ninety bucks every three months, which I'm not. Your new computer should be fine.


Blogger Catherine said...

Oh, you know me too well, I read that paragraph and was like, WHAAAT??? Thanks for the reassurance, that's an issue I had not heard of before, I'm glad it's "cured" now.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That yarn is lushious!!!! I love it. Good job!

8:16 AM  
Blogger Bess said...

Yea! Cashmere! You deserve it!

10:00 AM  
Blogger Coleen said...

love that sweater!

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to think I knew that sweater when it was only a babe of two or three inches...and I have the photograph to prove it. Nice job, gorgeous color scheme!

Marie in the Berkshires

8:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

(That comment was deleted by me 'cuz I made a glorious goof and didn't see it in time. Please pardon me...)

Gorgeous sweater! I'm tremendously impressed. Now as for this 7 sweaters for myself in 2006...I think I may have found your loophole. Were these sweaters to be worn on your person in a sweaterly fashion, or were they gorgeous miniatures that you dangle from the rear-view mirror of your car? Hmmm....

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amie, I am so impressed! If I'm not mistaken, when we joined KR, we were at about the same skill were perhaps a bit ahead of me. You have just grown so much as a fiberista, where I have remained a knitter, albeit a more advanced knitter. You go girl! That sweater is beautiful.

12:35 PM  
Blogger KT said...

Great sweater Amie! You should be soooo proud of yourself!

And how weird, I seriously woke up this morning thinking I needed to start another sweater. Because I have time to with the sock drama going on, you know. Gotta frog and redo and sew in the Rogue sleeves first, though. It's DEFINITELY sweater weather here, though, and there are so many things to inspire right now! Have fun fun fun fun!

1:46 PM  

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