
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spinner's Gestalt

The sock you saw in progress Monday at lunchtime looked like this when I went to bed Monday night.

And I didn't like it, so I ripped it out. I like the pattern itself, but wasn't crazy about the fit. I'd trusted the pattern sizing as written, rather than my own instincts to resize, and I should have trusted myself. So I'm resizing it, eventually. I'm about halfway up the foot again, but it still isn't making me happy (the lace repeat is 13 stitches, so it's not particularly flexible in the sizing department) so I may end up making adjustments to the lace pattern, or doing serious math on the sock itself.

Other than that I've been the Queen of Fickle. I played with the sock. I played with the shawl. I started a new scarf. I ripped that new scarf. I started another new scarf (on different yarn). I ripped that. I went back to the first scarf, and found a pattern I really liked, but not with that yarn, so I went to scarf 2, and can't get the yarn to work with the pattern, even though it doesn't have the property that made me reject the pattern for scarf 1.

So this weekend I decided to spend a little time with sweet, neglected Fiona-the-Lendrum.

Laura has spun up about 47 possibilities for our Shed-along. I know exactly what fiber I'm using, and just haven't gotten to it (too busy ripping scarves!).

So this weekend, I did. I spun the singles Saturday and this morning. Then, because I was feeling lazy, I decided to not divide out the singles evenly, but just wind it into a center pull ball and ply from the outside and the inside.

Which of course meant spending the better part of an hour rewinding the ball and untangling the mess, because everytime I use my little blue ball winder to do that, chaos ensues. I rewound (after untangling) onto my jumbo Fricke winder, and things went fine.

But I did get a lovely little bit of photographic evidence about how plying removes twist.

The bobbin above is exactly the same amount of fiber as the bobbin below.

The singles untwist slightly with plying, which thickens them up a bit as well, resulting in a much more packed bobbin, even with exactly the same fiber quantity. It's 3.5 oz, exactly 200 yards, of worsted weight merino, purchased at MDSW last year from Stony Mountain Fibers. Color: Olive.

Like my eyes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am on my way!!! You are being overtaken by the monster!!! Hold on!

10:42 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

Ooh yummy green yarn! I love it!

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous new yarn!!!
I need to get me some more spinning lessons STAT!

1:12 AM  
Blogger KT said...

Pretty color!!!!

2:43 AM  
Blogger rho said...

You said all that about the sock but I know what the real problem is -- the color -- it needs to be green!!

3:04 AM  
Blogger Teej said...

Oh, thanks so much for confirming what I've suspected about how singles "thicken" when you ply them! I'm a relatively new spinner and use a drop spindle, but when I would sping singles to "fill" my drop spindle, I'd always end up with the spindle too full when I plied. So good to know to just expect this and plan for it!

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The green is so beautiful! It looks soft and squishy and yum. ^_^

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "eyes" have it.

6:23 AM  

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