
Saturday, June 16, 2007


I got a lovely package in the mail on Thursday, promptly (well, a few short hours later) took photos of the loot... and then went back to my life, apparently forgetting that the blog doesn't update itself. Hm.

Anyway, here it is, in all its glory.
My Knitter's Tea Swap bounty from Emily.

You see there tons of great teas - a lemon tea (LOVE lemon!), an apple tea, some black tea and some spiced tea that must smell pretty amazing because Trevor is offering to sell his soul if I'll just let him chew on the plastic. There are also two boxes of soft yummy cookies, a sinfully rich vanilla honey, a tape measure which is already in my knitting bag, and a cat (which didn't come in the box, but is in the background there).

Good stuff.

Did I forget anything?

Um. Well, she also sent some yarn, which was cast on practically before it was unwrapped. STUNNING. Terrific color, terrific hand, and I got halfway through a sock before forcing myself to be responsible and go back to the knitting that I have to do for work... her yarn will be car knitting for a trip to see my brother tonight.

But I wasn't kidding about the color - take a look:

And to boot, she dyed it herself. Do you have any idea how tricky it is to dye yarn in a way that it looks virtually the same on the hank as on the fabric? I do - it ain't easy. This was either sheer luck, or sheer brilliance. I'm going with brilliance.

Thank you, Emily! I hope you're half as thrilled with the package I sent you!


Blogger KT said...

Can you please hand me a napkin so I can wipe the drool off my chin?

Nice haul, what a great swap pal!

Is the yarn available commercially??

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that "work" knitting, is it your swatches for tomorrow? or do you have those done already?

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice haul... love all those shades of green! Loverly indeed!

About your brother's site... it's a garbled mess everytime I look at it... text over pictures, text over text... is it just me? I used to read him a good bit, but since he's gone to the new site I get the garbled image... any ideas?

3:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lovely gifts! Lucky knitter!

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the socks are beautiful. What's the pattern? I have some yellow yarn that's looking for the perfect pattern.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

Yay, I'm so glad you liked the package! Your socks are looking beautiful, and I'm glad to see the yarn is knitting up nicely, having not tried it myself :)

10:11 PM  
Blogger Bess said...

Wow. That is some beautiful green yarn!

Thinking of you these summer days.

4:34 PM  
Blogger elinor said...

That yarn is absolutely fabulous! What's the pattern on the sock there? It's pretty. ^_^

8:25 AM  

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