
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Happy Cats

Petsmart was lovely and cheerfully accepted back one of the chewed up dog toys (I got the feeling they would have taken back all the damaged ones, but I only tried the worst) and the exchange was simple. The only difficulty was that my second attempt was a dollar cheaper than the first attempt, and so I had to get a cat toy.

Aslan was not at all interested, and glared condescendingly at Trevor, who played fetch with me for a solid hour before needing a break (and coming back for more later).
Nothing, I repeat nothing is cuter than kitty tongue.

I'm not sure where Aslan gets off with the condescention, since it turns out he's a big ole slut for sewing. We knew of his mohair love, but who knew he loved fabrics and threads? I promise, there were way more humiliating photos of his behavior, but since I do have to fall asleep (leaving him unattended) sometime, I figured it was best not to completely embarrass him for snuggling with my thread and bobbin box.
Trust me, the photos of him with the cotton fabric would keep him from being elected president.

And they weren't the only happy cats around here, since I got a wonderful package from Beverly, that started with this wrapping paper.
I have never before confessed my love for toile. I will never speak of it again. But I do love me some toile. So I knew only good things could be hidden beneath.

And I was right! Somewhere in the recesses of my couch are my thread snips and my fabric marker. The force was strong in Beverly when she sent me my little package that included... you guessed it! Thread snips (WAY nicer than the ones my couch ate!) and fabric pencils! Also some needle threaders, a very cute pink pincushion (that has already been inspected and found lacking in the catnip department) and a hand-made-covered black tape measure, and at least two dozen little squares of fabric. She was making up for a neglectful Artist's Way swapper for me, and I'm so excited to look at the little prompt cards she sent and imagine what to do with all that fabric!

Thanks, Beverly - what a wonderful surprise!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, I too love toile. Makes me long for the days of BBC America airings of Changing Rooms and Lawrence Llewllyn Bowen and his toile attire.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two kitty tongues in that post!

Aslan with the thread is so cute! Rather an odd fetish, however. :)

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww, Aslan!
Morgan does that too...It is just adorable!

10:07 PM  
Blogger Beverly said...

My pleasure! I"m so glad you liked it. The quilt store owner said those were her favorite marking pencils--let me know what you think!


9:35 AM  
Blogger Jody said...

I confess... I love me some toile too!!

Cute kitty pics!

1:24 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

Oh, I love toile! LOOOVE it! Your cats are lovely!

8:20 PM  
Blogger erica said...

Oooh, you received the thread nippers that I so love. You'll be the envy of not just sewers but all knitters you meet.

10:32 PM  
Blogger HeelerMom said...

Thanks for a good laugh! A word of wisdom . . . never buy the toys on the bottom of the rack at Petsmart. My dog peed on one before I could stop her; since she didn't play with toys, I didn't buy it. Bad Mom, I 'spose, but I think I made up for it by picking up mounds of dumps when we were out walking.

11:42 AM  

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