Ruin the whole bunch???
I currently have a Mac iBook G4.
As is my lot in this world, I apparently purchased it right before they discontinued the iBook for being ginormous piles of crap that break down regularly. This is when I buy everything of any large dollar value - about thirteen seconds before it is announced that it will be discontinued.
In the eighteen months that I've owned this, I've had to buy no fewer than six new power adapters ($80 a pop), had to call their non-helpline four times because it wouldn't turn on, had to listen to their non-help representative insist that I don't recognize the difference between "nothing" and "the serial number" when they tell me the incorrect location of the serial number (hint: it's not behind the battery, even if you make me look twice), and had to take it into a shop twice. In the shop, they told me nothing was wrong with the computer, that it must be my outlet at home.
Because, you see, everything else in the house works, and I've tried different outlets and still had the same troubles, but they tested it, so it must be the house and not the computer. I didn't buy a Mac-compatible house. It's all my fault.
The latest drama is that the computer-shaped junk decides at random times to shut itself off. It does this sometimes when awakening from sleep (well, wouldn't you be cranky?) or when I'm typing an e-mail, or playing a game, or writing up a pattern. No distinguishing program, online and off, no distinguishing time. It shut off last night around ten and wouldn't come back on until after six pm tonight. But, you know, there's nothing wrong with the computer. It's just not a Mac-compatible house.
So there's no way in hell I can afford a new computer right now, nor do I think I should have to, since I don't see a purchase like that as falling into it's "time to replace it time" in eighteen months, but I'm faced with the decision of what to do. The only option I can see is to do more work than I'm really healthy enough for right now, and see if I can get more money to come in, and then decide if I want to try to have it repaired (even though there's nothing wrong with it!), buy a new-and-improved Mac, or decide that this (boa-sized) worm has ruined me for all Apples and go back to PC. And there are things I like about Mac, not the least of which being that a Mac is far better suited for some of the less publicized aspects of my income. But I don't think it's a significantly better system than a PC - evidently I'm very much not a member of the Mac-arrazzi.
So tomorrow I'll spend a little time doing some of that extra work (the networking phase, anyway) and if you don't see me a while, it's because of this little overheated pile of plastic (which should be working it's little USB port off and counting its lucky stars that, only owing to a hurculean sense of self control, I haven't thrown it across the parking lot and under a - Mack, of course - truck by now) has decided it needs its beauty sleep.
As is my lot in this world, I apparently purchased it right before they discontinued the iBook for being ginormous piles of crap that break down regularly. This is when I buy everything of any large dollar value - about thirteen seconds before it is announced that it will be discontinued.
In the eighteen months that I've owned this, I've had to buy no fewer than six new power adapters ($80 a pop), had to call their non-helpline four times because it wouldn't turn on, had to listen to their non-help representative insist that I don't recognize the difference between "nothing" and "the serial number" when they tell me the incorrect location of the serial number (hint: it's not behind the battery, even if you make me look twice), and had to take it into a shop twice. In the shop, they told me nothing was wrong with the computer, that it must be my outlet at home.
Because, you see, everything else in the house works, and I've tried different outlets and still had the same troubles, but they tested it, so it must be the house and not the computer. I didn't buy a Mac-compatible house. It's all my fault.
The latest drama is that the computer-shaped junk decides at random times to shut itself off. It does this sometimes when awakening from sleep (well, wouldn't you be cranky?) or when I'm typing an e-mail, or playing a game, or writing up a pattern. No distinguishing program, online and off, no distinguishing time. It shut off last night around ten and wouldn't come back on until after six pm tonight. But, you know, there's nothing wrong with the computer. It's just not a Mac-compatible house.
So there's no way in hell I can afford a new computer right now, nor do I think I should have to, since I don't see a purchase like that as falling into it's "time to replace it time" in eighteen months, but I'm faced with the decision of what to do. The only option I can see is to do more work than I'm really healthy enough for right now, and see if I can get more money to come in, and then decide if I want to try to have it repaired (even though there's nothing wrong with it!), buy a new-and-improved Mac, or decide that this (boa-sized) worm has ruined me for all Apples and go back to PC. And there are things I like about Mac, not the least of which being that a Mac is far better suited for some of the less publicized aspects of my income. But I don't think it's a significantly better system than a PC - evidently I'm very much not a member of the Mac-arrazzi.
So tomorrow I'll spend a little time doing some of that extra work (the networking phase, anyway) and if you don't see me a while, it's because of this little overheated pile of plastic (which should be working it's little USB port off and counting its lucky stars that, only owing to a hurculean sense of self control, I haven't thrown it across the parking lot and under a - Mack, of course - truck by now) has decided it needs its beauty sleep.