When Queasy Cats Go Bad...
In addition to being the messiest eater I've ever known in a cat (yes, that's food on his face. He's enthusiastic. He gets water marks up to his eyeballs, too) Trevor is often a victim of hair balls. Perhaps because of his enthusiasm, he tends to scarf, and then... well, about half of what he eats is seen again.
And you also know Aslan, who, aside from a minor kleptomaniacal obsession with goat fibers, is as polite as you can get.
He's a dainty, picky eater who is known for making commentary on his food in the form of attempting to cover it up when he's done. You know, like he'd do in the litter box. Apparently, he thinks I am lacking in the cooking department (but a good mommy otherwise, so he's willing to love me anyway).
Anyway, you can imagine my surprise when Mr. Innocence puked all over white yarn I was knitting with this morning.
This yarn, which along with the fellow victim purple, spent the morning in the kitchen sink, soaking in cold water and Dawn. Because I am a kind, generous, and upstanding person, one that you can hold to a higher standard (and I panicked and forgot about you) I didn't take a picture of the vomit covered yarn, but here it is post immediate soak.
I then wound it (wet) into a hank on my swift, and washed it again in that form.
It's now drying, up high, where the cats would have to really work to barf on it.
And for some completely ralph-free fiber content, here is my mommy's very first sock!
Isn't it cute?
She's stuck on the heel, but we'll get through that as soon as she stops asking questions long enough for me to actually answer one.