And the beat goes on...
My pennance for this shameful oversight was to call and sing Happy Birthday to my brother... I think that first year it was to the tune of La Cucaracha... it's grown since then... To the tune of "Silent Night" - Happy Birthday, David-poo, Happy birthday to you, you are old now just like dirt, soon your bones and muscles will hurt, you my brother are old, but you're still good as gold - and the big number of "Oops I Did It Again" on his 30th (Oops, you did it again, you had a birthday, you're thirty years old, oh, David, David - you're No Spring Chi-hi-ken...)
He joined in the fun just a few years ago with far more creative lyrics. He's always been far more creative, but that's not neccessarily a bad thing in someone you've looked up to your whole life, so we'll let it slide. Frankly, it's pretty hard to classify either one of us as talented or creative based on these songs, despite both of us having college degrees in music.
Nevertheless, this is what was on my voice mail this morning. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you....
My big brother: