so my parents have taken them to the land of safety, far away from tiny teeth.
Now, do you mind terribly if I do a group thank you?
I have gotten so many flowers and notes and gifts and yarn
and stitch markers and patterns and mail
all wishing me good health and speedy recovery and each one brightens my day so much I'm practically glowing (and I haven't had any radiation yet), and they mean the world to me, and I'm trying so hard to be organized, but the percoset gives me the memory of a goldfish, and it's all been SO much I've been the world's worst person at saying "thank you" lately...
So really, if you're one of the many - THANK YOU. It made my day, and eventually I hope to be able to getting to thanking you personally with something more tangible, but in the meantime I sent a prayer of thanks in your direction, and you have definitely helped make this into something far more tolerable than it could have been. THANK YOU.
Yesterday the doctor told me that Advil would probably be better for a faster recovery of my voice than the Percoset. There aren't any anti-inflametory things in the Percoset, just pain killers. Advil obviously isn't as strong in the pain killing department, but could help reduce the swelling which is still very prevalant in my neck, and is what's keeping my voice from coming back all the way. So, thinking that pain really wasn't that much of a problem, I decided I was going to give it a shot, and took a few Advil. I clearly underestimated the Power of Percoset. Pain was a problem, swelling schmelling. Four hours later, I would have walked on glass to get Percoset (hey, once I got it, my feet wouldn't have hurt either!) So back on the Percoset I am.
In other breaking news, ALERT THE MEDIA!!!!
I am a big time stomach sleeper, and making me sleep on my back could be used as a mild form of torture if you were looking for some way to do that to me (but don't, cuz I'm turning into a real whiner). But sleeping on one's stomach also means sleeping on the front of one's neck and there are pretty obvious reasons why that hasn't been extremely possible. (Seriously gross picture here if hinting about the obvious isn't enough)
Today, though, I threw caution to the wind. I had taken a percoset, was watching the director commentary of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events and started gettin' that special feeling... that's right... that special "I'm gonna sleep on my stomach and I don't care if you like it or not" feeling. (okay, so I might be getting a little bit stir crazy)
I called Aslan and Trevor, and the three of us went back to the bedroom to do what two cats and a drugged woman do best. It was wild, it was emotional, it was crazy. And all three of us slept on our stomachs. For FOUR STRAIGHT HOURS.
I know. You're jealous.
We worked so hard at that nap, that this evening, my littlest nurse needs time to recover
But it's been a while, and we've over exerted ourselves so much today, I'm thinking it's about time to take another Percoset (as a chaser for the 3000 mg of Calcium I had to take today) and follow Aslan's example.
Thanks again to all of you...