I'm getting closer to the end of my fiber diet technically, but since I've broken it a few times as far as purchasing yarn goes, I figure I'll just be allowed to start a new project if so inspired, but it must be one that comes from my current stash (which includes the yarn I bought for this tank, and the Jaeger Chamonix I just agreed to buy - but for half price). But I'm getting closer. My goal is to attempt to keep it to under 5 WIPs, with no more than 2 of them being involved things like sweaters - I can have up to three transportable projects - hats, scarves, socks - but I can't let it get as high as it is now... I love to knit, but there has to be some production going on - it can't be all process, or I'll run myself out of house and home!

The weather is either raining or that humidity so think it needs to rain, so I've been staying inside doing a lot of knitting, to the detriment of my roses. I'll have to spend a little quality time with them tonight, pruning and weeding.

Irish Gold and Peace both have lovely blooms on them, and Queen Elizabeth and Mr. Lincoln are both budding, but they're all filled with weeds and bug-eaten leaves that I'm sure they're struggling more than they need... And with the icky muggy heat I'm feeling even more grotesquely fat than usual, so we're upping the diet for a bit...

Thoughts for the Day:
(I got nothin' - please have your own thoughts)